Welcome to our ranch
Welcome to our 2025 Little Bitterroot Ranch and Laird Simmental joint production sale.
This year LBR will offer one donor, 14 bred cows, 3 bred heifers, and 12 open heifers along with 30 bulls. The females have been selected from the heart of our herd. We didn’t want them to be calving during the sale so the bred cows and heifers were chosen from the ultrasound calving date. The elite Guardian donor has been flushed twice and kept open for the new owner. All females will need to be taken home after the sale.
In the LBR bull group there will be 8 embryo transplant bulls with the rest sired by AI. All bulls are Homo Polled. Lot 13 M811 is Hetero Black and Lot 26 M929 is Red; the rest are all Homo Black. The two older bulls were used as herd sire in LBR’s program. They had limited use as clean up bulls after AI. We guarantee them to be free of any transmittable diseases. There are also 2 fall age advantaged ET bulls that were raised at a cooperator herd. They have the same quality genetics as the 4 spring bull siblings but they will have smaller weaning and yearling weights.
This year we are offering DVD Auction and cattleusa.com for your convenience on sale day and before. Online bidding is available if you are unable to attend the sale. You can view our 2025 Bull Sale Catalog here.
We would love to visit with you on the ranch ahead of the sale to sort through the bulls and females. A one on one visit could be helpful.
LBR bulls and females pictures , videos, and data can be viewed on our web page littlebitterrootranch.com by the middle of December.
As always please give us a call with any questions about our offering. Hope to see you February 4th.
Frank and Marilynn